All streets in the list will be from the SAME ZIP CODE.
互联网Many people inadvertently transpose digits of the ZIP code.
辞典例句Rich? We're talking about a man whose wallet has its own zip code.
有钱? 我们谈论的这个男人的钱包有自己的邮政编码.
期刊摘选Or the division of the district or zip code division, more scientific.
还是按区划分或按邮政编码划分, 比较科学.
期刊摘选You know, even simple things like calendars are personal attributes, your zip code, things like that.
你们知道, 像日历一样的平坦简单的事物是像那一样的个人属性, 你的区域号码, 事物.
期刊摘选If inquiring , please send your zip code so that I can figure as accurately as possible.
期刊摘选Shenyang Zone of Peace Street Wuli He is the number of Zip code?
期刊摘选Clerk : What's the zip code, sir? Carlo: I'm not quite sure.
先生, 邮政编码是多少? 卡洛: 我不太清楚.
期刊摘选How much is the zip code of resource?
资源的邮政编码是多少 啊 ?
期刊摘选Logo Service: Unsupported zip code , postal code, or geographic location.
徽标服务: 不支持的邮政编码或地理位置.
期刊摘选A ten number telephone including area code, home address and zip code, eight numbers.
再加上十位数的电话号码(包括电话区号), 还有代表家庭住址和邮政区号的八位数.
期刊摘选Where should I write the zip code?
期刊摘选B : Eighty cents, please . And please write down the zip code in the mailing address. Anything else?
八十美分. 请在通讯地址处写上邮政编码. 还要别的 吗 ?
期刊摘选Can I have the zip code for New York?
能告诉我纽约的邮编 吗 ?
期刊摘选On an envelope you should put the zip code after the state's name.
期刊摘选Address: Shandong Qingdao Chengyangouliuting streets Xianjie written zip code: 266108 Tel: 4817595.
地址: 山东省青岛市城阳区流亭街道仙家寨村邮编: 266108电话号码: 4817595.
期刊摘选Winning bidder prepays and pays $ 1.50 S & H to a US zip code, all other locations $ 2.25.
中标人提前偿还和支付$1.50S & H公司向美国邮政编码, 所有其他地点2.25美元.
期刊摘选They would like delivery August 1,2007 to zip code 78744.
期刊摘选Address: Shandong Province's Qingdao City Chengyangouliuting Zhendong Blue Village zip code: 266108 Tel: 4937887.
地址: 山东省青岛市城阳区流亭镇东蓝家庄村邮编: 266108电话号码: 4937887.
期刊摘选Google Local: Find products and services in a specific U.S. town or zip code.
谷歌本地: 寻找产品和服务在一个特定的城市或美国邮编.
期刊摘选SHIPPING TERMS: Shipping costs and method are determined by total product weight and customer zip code.
SHIPPING条款: 运费和方法,以总重量的产品和客户邮政编码确定.
期刊摘选Inserting a specific ZIP Code ( United States ) or postcode ( international destination ) also narrows the search.
插入特定邮递编号 ( 美国 ) 或邮政编码 ( 国际目的地 ) 也可缩小搜索范围.
期刊摘选Visit Feeding America and enter your zip code to find the closest bank.
期刊摘选What's the zip code?
邮政编码是 多少 ?
期刊摘选Workers in the post office classify letters according to the zip code.
期刊摘选Please write the recipient's address, do not forget the Zip Code.
请写下收件人的地址, 别忘了邮编.
期刊摘选Ad Service: Unsupported zip code , postal code, or geographic location.
广告服务: 不支持的邮政编码或地理位置.
期刊摘选I'll need your complete address with the zip code, Mr. Kelly.
希望你告诉我地址全称及邮码, 凯利先生.
期刊摘选Headend Service: Unsupported zip code , postal code, or geographic location.
数据头端服务: 不支持的邮政编码或地理位置.
期刊摘选This is the job In the zip code you want. You engaged?
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